Institutional & home guidelines for tube feeding use1
Kate Farms Standard 1.4 Plain and Peptide 1.5 Plain are available as ready-to-use liquid formula in a 1000mL closed system. Kate Farms products are not available as a powder or concentrate.
Hospital: For those using Kate Farms for tube feeding, we suggest a 12-hour hang time for our Tetra Paks for continuous feeding in the home environment. If used in the medical institution, the individual institution may recommend a shorter hang time for inpatient use. We defer to the hospitals policy when used in this setting.
Kate Farms closed system formulas are recommended to be used within 48 hours once the bag is spiked. Most closed system containers are discarded after 24 hours, however due to current manufacturer recommendations to change enteral feeding sets every 24 hours and to spike each closed container only once.
Home: Kate Farms products meet criteria to have a 12-hour hang time.
Kate Farms medical formulas flow through a 6.5 Fr tube or larger without thinning or dilution.
In accordance with ASPEN guidelines, the recommended hang time for Kate Farms Pediatric Blended Meals is 12 hours* in the home care setting. Kate Farms defers to the healthcare facility for hang time of commercial blenderized tube feeding in the inpatient setting. Hang time is reduced to 4 hours if water, modulars, other formula or ingredient are added to blend.
Kate Farms blended meals flow down to a 12 French G-tube and Low-Profile Button G-tube, and a 10 French NG-tube without the need for thinning or dilution.
These guidelines are intended to assist you in providing quality patient care. They do not alter, replace, eliminate, or dilute any of the existing federal procedures, guidelines, or regulations applicable to this topic or your facility’s protocol. This information is not intended to replace the advice of the healthcare team. Please consult your healthcare team with any questions about the tube feeding plan.
For questions : Contact your Kate Farms Representative or Customer Care
* If water, other liquid, or a modular, is added to Kate Farms Pediatric Blended Meals, the hang time is reduced to 4 hours.
1. Boullata JI et al. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2017;41(1):15-103.
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